Today we are talking with my friend, my coach, my mentor, Alli Worthington. Alli is a wife and mom of five sons. She lives outside of Nashville in a loud, messy, testosterone-filled house with the only golden retriever who refuses to retrieve.
She’s also a coach who is obsessed with helping women be more successful in their careers, businesses, and entrepreneurial pursuits. She has a new book called Standing Strong.
In this episode, we continue the conversation about shame. God created a plan and purpose for us all. Shame wants to keep your dream hidden. Instead of creating a culture of try, shame creates a culture of doubt. We become hyper focused on our flaws, failures, and limitations.
We also talk about:
- Shame prevents us from pursuing our calling
- Why shame is never helpful
- Her new book Standing Strong
- The difference of humility and shame
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Favorite Quotes:
- Shame is a feeling that we are inherently wrong. We confuse humility with beating ourselves up emotionally and mentally. Shame doesn’t lead to growth. Humility creates growth and change.
- When we are self-focused, we become self-absorbed. Shame causes us to focus on ourselves.
- Shame leads to anxiety, this anxiety causes us to doubt ourselves and the calling that God has for each of us.
- Whenever you make a decision, ask yourself if this is going to please and honor God? Or, is this going to make the enemy happy?
Links to great things we discussed:
Healing the Shame that Binds You
Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! ๐
Have a great week!